Water Reservoirs – Storing Water for our Communities

Have you ever wondered what that giant tank on the hill was? You are looking at a water tank reservoir storing water for your community. Water reservoirs are a means to store both drinking (potable) and non-drinking water (non-potable). Reservoirs can be in the form of a lake or tank. Beneath the ground you can … More Water Reservoirs – Storing Water for our Communities

Hidden in a Hill – Perris Hill Reservoir

First built in 1949 to provide water to St. Bernadine Medical Center, the Perris Hill Reservoir serves as drinking water storage for the people in the City of San Bernardino. This hidden reservoir is not visible to the naked eye; it was intentionally constructed inside an existing hill, east of Perris Hill Park. A popular … More Hidden in a Hill – Perris Hill Reservoir

How Do Cities Use Water?

Cities rely on water resources to provide services to their residents that can go unnoticed. When we think about water in our daily lives we often think about drinking water, taking a shower, brushing our teeth or watering the lawn. Water is necessary for survival, hygiene and to maintain our yards, but cities also utilize … More How Do Cities Use Water?

What Happens to Rainwater in Southern California?

The saying, “April showers, brings May flowers,” may get you to start thinking about rainwater and where it goes after it falls from the sky. It is true that the springtime brings new blooms and the recently bare vegetation begin to show signs of life, giving evidence that spring has arrived. While the rain brings … More What Happens to Rainwater in Southern California?

Hydrant Flushing: Why is there water spraying into the street?

Have you ever seen your local water agency releasing water from a hydrant and wondered why water was pouring out? While noticing this, amidst California’s current drought, you might think that the same water agencies that are asking customers to conserve are themselves wasting water. Contrary to what you may see, hydrant flushing is required … More Hydrant Flushing: Why is there water spraying into the street?